While data entry is a service that generally involves hard data entry into a computer software, usually with the use of Microsoft Excel with various client specified extensions, level3BOS is a highly flexible BPO company, capable of adapting to the requirements set by each specific client. As for security, a general misconception regarding outsourcing data entry services is that it involves handing over data bases to the BPO company, which can pose a considerable security risk. The level3BOS approach does not require for the databases to be stored on level3BOS servers, rather the infrastructure used by level3BOS is integrated and made compatible with the client’s infrastructure, so that the service teams may access all necessary data directly from the client’s IT infrastructure using 2 secure VPN servers for data transmission, and a second set of 2 secure VPN servers used exclusively for communication and reporting to the client. On top of that, level3BOS has also implemented various peripheral security schemes and provides specific safety training for their employees regarding safe processing, storing and handling of the client’s data.